Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[4444(1)] Future Zeitformen im Englischen

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Setze die in Klammern stehenden Verben in die richtige Zeit in der Zukunft ein. Benutze das will-future, going to-future, Simple Present, Present Progressive, Future Progressive oder Future Perfect.


In 2030, robots a crucial role in everyday life. (to play)


In 2030, robots will play a crucial role in everyday life. (to play)


  1. In 30 years, advanced artificial intelligence the way we live. (to transform)
  2. Our society a shift towards sustainable practices. (to witness)
  3. The delivery guy tomorrow morning at 11:00. (to come)
  4. As we move forward, scientists innovative ways to reverse climate change. (to discover)
  5. They in the club this time tomorrow! (to perform)
  6. Advances in medical technology new heights by 2080. (to reach)
  7. Space tourism a mainstream industry by 2070. (to become)
  8. In the next 15 years, breakthroughs in genetic research the way for personalized medicine. (to pave)
  9. My flight to Paris at 3 PM tomorrow. (to depart)
  10. I a conference next week to learn about the latest advancements. (to attend)

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