Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[4442] Future Zeitformen im Englischen

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Setze die in Klammern stehenden Verben in die richtige Future Zeitform – will-future, going to-future, Simple Present oder Present Progressive.


The weather forecast a thunderstorm in the area tomorrow afternoon. (to suggest)


The weather forecast suggests a thunderstorm in the area tomorrow afternoon. (to suggest)


  1. The plane at 3:30. (to depart)
  2. We a concert on Friday night, but we haven't purchased tickets yet. (to attend)
  3. My astronomy professor a meteor shower on Wednesday night. (to predict)
  4. I to a dentist appointment at 2 o'clock on Monday. (to go)
  5. She to Paris on Saturday morning at 10:45. (to head)
  6. Actually, I from the airport, no problem. (you, to pick up)
  7. The biology class at 9:15. (to begin)
  8. I the Grand Canyon in June. (to explore)
  9. Check out the darkening sky. It any moment now. (to snow)
  10. Someone is calling. I the phone. (to pick up)

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