Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[4254] Sätze und Fragen im Past Perfect

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Setze die in Klammern stehenden Wörter in die Lücken ein. Beachte, dass du die Verben im Past Perfect einsetzt.


We dinner yet when they arrived.(not to eat) (to be secured)


We hadn't eaten dinner yet when they arrived.(not to eat) (to be secured)


  1. I the project before the deadline.(to complete)
  2. She that museum before we suggested it.(to visit)
  3. They their homework by the time the teacher collected it.(to finish)
  4. We to Europe before the travel restrictions were implemented.(to travel)
  5. to Paris before last summer?(ever, to be)
  6. each other before the conference started?(they, to meet)
  7. reading the book before the book club meeting?(he, to finish)
  8. the championship by the time you joined?(the team, to win)
  9. She about the new policy until yesterday.(not to hear)
  10. We the importance of the event until it was over.(not to realize)

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