Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Sätze, Wortstellung


[3336] Konjunktionen, Bindewörter der Zeit in englischen Sätzen

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Welche der beiden Konjunktionen/Bindewörter passt in die jeweilige Lücke?






  1. I tried to comfort Diana ... the incident.

  2. He had been unemployed for a year ... he got this job.

  3. Stacy couldn't wait ... tomorrow and opened the presents.

  4. It was 3 days ago ... I found out about her secret.

  5. That didn't seem to be a big deal ... they mentioned the amount of money that was needed.

  6. Hopefully, they'll be able to fix that ... their parents come back home.

  7. We finished our homework ... going to the cinema.

  8. I'll keep searching ... I find something that I really like.

  9. Janice spent way too much time on the task ... it took only 3 minutes for Polina to solve it.

  10. I'll tell you ... it's over.

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