Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Sätze, Wortstellung


[3336(1)] Konjunktionen, Bindewörter der Zeit in englischen Sätzen

Hilfe zum Grammatikinhalt:


Welche der beiden Konjunktionen/Bindewörter passt in die jeweilige Lücke?






  1. Amelia couldn't make any decision ... John returned home.

  2. She burst into tears ... she found out the truth.

  3. They were cooking a dinner ... Joshua returned home.

  4. He wasn't sure about the idea ... he talked to his brother.

  5. Diana woke up right ... her alarm clock went off.

  6. We will tell them everything ... they come back from their trip.

  7. Rory had been working as a manager for many years ... he realised that he wanted to devote his life to something else.

  8. I went to a café with my friends ... we passed all the exams.

  9. She already knew that something was wrong ... she heard the news.

  10. ... the weather is good, they always go outside and play football or volleyball.

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