Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[3158(2)] Relativpronomen – who, which, whose oder kein Pronomen

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Setze die Relativpronemen "who, which" oder "whose" ein. Wenn kein Wort eingesetzt werden muss, dann tipp ein x.




  1. It was the janitor accidentally spilled the cleaning solution.
  2. After the performance, Emily wanted to know idea it was to include the unexpected twist.
  3. If you come across Dr. Anderson, is an expert in environmental science, ask him about sustainable practices.
  4. Richard found a mysterious letter arrived without a return address.
  5. She eventually chose the painting she admired the most.
  6. I bought a vintage record played my favorite song.
  7. Lisa wasn't sure phone she found in the conference room.
  8. Oliver, had just moved to the city, was exploring new neighborhoods.
  9. It was Susan Thompson I bumped into at the grocery store.
  10. He avoids eating foods contain artificial additives.

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