Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[3148] self oder each other

Hilfe zum Grammatikinhalt:


Schreibe das richtige Pronomen in die Lücke. Suche dir aus den folgenden Reflexivpronomen das passende aus: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves oder each other




  1. Why do you always think only about ?
  2. I and my friend looked at and started laughing.
  3. I told him everything about .
  4. Mary and Jane didn't like at all.
  5. Daniel wanted to take a good picture of with the new phone that he had bought.
  6. We both knew that we could trust no matter what.
  7. Kamilla wrote the paper all by .
  8. They never had any secrets from .
  9. I couldn't recognise .
  10. We solved the riddle .

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