Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[3030(1)] Präpositionen bei Redewendungen im Englischen

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  1. I was looking ... my jacket.

  2. ... summer she has a lot of free time, so every year she goes hiking with her friends.

  3. ... the beginning of June we decided to travel to Germany.

  4. Jane, Dilan, Clara, and John met ... a sunny Saturday morning.

  5. We had to wait ... our bus that was 15 minutes late.

  6. As we were standing ... the airport talking about our trip, I suddenly realised that my backpack was missing.

  7. Harry's friends told him that they had enough time ... their flight.

  8. As I tried to remember where I had last seen my bag, I realised that I had left it ... the bus.

  9. Sarah dreams ... living in a van.

  10. He had a problem ... making decisions on his own.

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