Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[3024] Präpositionen in englischen Sätzen

Hilfe zum Grammatikinhalt:


Schreibe die richtigen Präpositionen in die Lücken.


We should get the train now.


We should get on the train now.


  1. Bulat moved to Germany 2020.
  2. Shall we wait you at the bus stop?
  3. I'll bring some snacks me tonight.
  4. They haven't seen each other so long.
  5. The recipe can be found that book mum gave you.
  6. The president's reaction the accident was immediate.
  7. Have you looked it in your bag yet?
  8. The painting is a famous French impressionist.
  9. The couple travelled Palermo this July.
  10. The family drove the woods.

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