Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Phrasal Verbs


[2916(49)] Phrasal verbs mit dem Verb "catch"

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  1. He tried to catch … a branch but couldn’t reach.

  2. To our surprise, the song caught … very quickly.

  3. The puzzle caught us ….

  4. Lily hasn’t been to school for 3 days, and now she has to catch … on everything she’s missed.

  5. I don’t like being caught … the drama.

  6. Amelia needed to catch … her sleep.

  7. Fred realised that he needed to catch … his friends to understand things better.

  8. She caught … Kate’s arm and asked her to sit down.

  9. It took me couple of minutes to catch … what was happening.

  10. I know that he’s lying to us and I’m going to catch him ….

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