Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Phrasal Verbs


[2916(45)] Phrasal verbs mit dem Verb "stick"

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  1. Could you stick … until Mike comes back?

  2. The job was really hard, but Lili stuck … it and did well.

  3. His friends stuck … him when he lost his job.

  4. He knew that they could deal with it if they stuck ….

  5. She stuck … in a crowd.

  6. Despite the circumstances, I decided to stick … the original plan

  7. We just need to stick … and come up with some new ideas.

  8. He had to learn to stick … for himself from a young age.

  9. Everything will be fine if you stick … me.

  10. They knew that something was wrong when they saw that their hair stuck ….

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