Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Phrasal Verbs


[2916(43)] Phrasal verbs mit dem Verb "wash"

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  1. The flood waters washed … the houses leaving hundreds of people homeless.

  2. Do you think that this stain will wash …?

  3. This news about the financial problems of the company washed … me, as I was going to quit my job anyway.

  4. The dinner was ready, so he went to the bathroom and washed ….

  5. You’ll need water to wash … the pill.

  6. Josh has washed … all our doubts.

  7. A wave of embarrassment washed … her after she realised what she had said.

  8. The storm washed … the football match.

  9. Could you please wash … after dinner today?

  10. She washed the car … before Finn came home.

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