Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Phrasal Verbs


[2916(42)] Phrasal verbs mit dem Verb "wipe"

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  1. She wanted to wipe … all the memories with him.

  2. Linda wiped … the shelves and put her books there.

  3. She wiped the food … the baby’s face and continued talking.

  4. Drought wiped … their crops that year, so they had to shut down their business.

  5. He spilled milk on the floor but wiped it … quickly.

  6. The marathon completely wiped her ….

  7. Mark wiped the kitchen sink ….

  8. Millie wiped her tears … and went back to the classroom.

  9. I wiped the floor … with a towel.

  10. She wiped the milk … off the table.

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