Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Phrasal Verbs


[2916(41)] Phrasal verbs mit dem Verb "stay"

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  1. She was upset and asked to stay … from her.

  2. I usually stay … and read books or watch films at home at weekends.

  3. After he graduated, he stayed … in Italy to work there a bit.

  4. They stayed … all night and had a lot of fun.

  5. She stayed … at her friend's house the other night because of the storm.

  6. She stayed … all night to finish her project and was very tired the next day.

  7. Clara is not in good terms with Mike, so she wants him to stay ….

  8. I wasn’t allowed to stay … until after midnight.

  9. Tyler stayed … for another 3 days without telling Anne.

  10. The weather was really nice, so they wanted to stay … longer.

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