Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Phrasal Verbs


[2916(40)] Phrasal verbs mit dem Verb "shut"

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  1. They were shut … in the psychiatric hospital after the incident.

  2. Tim accidentally shut his computer … without saving the documents.

  3. We had to shut him … to stop him from trying to run away.

  4. The people were mad because the water was shut … for 2 days without any warning.

  5. She knew that she needed to shut her feelings … in order to make the right decision.

  6. He couldn't work because of the noise, so he asked them to shut ….

  7. She shut herself … for a month to prepare for the exams.

  8. James is offended at his friends because he’s been shut … of the discussion.

  9. The shop shut … soon after the financial crisis hit the country.

  10. Why would you tell me to shut … in front of everybody?

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