Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Phrasal Verbs


[2916(34)] Phrasal verbs mit dem Verb "do"

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  1. I wish we could do … with discrimination.

  2. I need to do my project … because I've made a lot of mistakes.

  3. They'll have to do … Jenny at tomorrow's meeting, she's in the hospital.

  4. Matt did his shoelaces … and continued running.

  5. I could do … a bit of help.

  6. They did him … of his inheritance.

  7. She was very protective of her children, so she would do … them.

  8. They had to do it … 3 times until they were satisfied with the result.

  9. The marathon did me …, so I fell asleep soon after it.

  10. Mary wanted to do … her house.

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