Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Phrasal Verbs


[2916(29)] Phrasal verbs mit dem Verb "pick"

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  1. I have to pick ... my sister from school.

  2. We will pick ... our conversation after lunch.

  3. We need to pick ... an outfit for the birthday party.

  4. Don’t pick ... your breakfast, Mike. Finish it quickly.

  5. Why do they always pick ... me for hard tasks?

  6. The hunter picked ... the rabbits one by one.

  7. Henry was picking ... his opponent’s argument.

  8. I need to pick ... the appropriate clothes for the party tonight.

  9. I spent the whole morning picking ... this pile of books, searching for my diary.

  10. I’d like to pick ... on the second point that you mentioned.

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