Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Phrasal Verbs


[2916(24)] Phrasal verbs mit dem Verb "hand"

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  1. That toy isn’t yours. Hand it ...!

  2. Mrs Jones keeps the family jewels in a safe place in order to hand them ... to her children.

  3. The teacher was surprised that Katie handed ... her homework on time.

  4. During a relay race, each runner has to hand ... the baton to the next runner.

  5. The teacher was ready to hand ... the worksheets at the beginning of the lesson.

  6. Zachary decided to buy the painting. He handed ... $14 for it.

  7. Could you please hand ... these pamphlets to the attendees at the conference?

  8. The police officer asked the suspect to hand ... his identification.

  9. I'll hand ... the book to you once I'm done reading it.

  10. The teacher handed ... a set of rules for the class to follow.

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