Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Phrasal Verbs


[2916(19)] Phrasal verbs mit dem Verb "fall"

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  1. He was not feeling very well and he collapsed or fell ...

  2. The wind was blowing very strongly and the bicycle fell ... onto the ground.

  3. I made a bookshelf but when I put some books on it, it fell ...

  4. My friend has a great sense of humour. I always fall ... laughing at him.

  5. Keep some money in the bank to fall ... on in case you lose your job.

  6. I was ill for 3 weeks and fell ... with my final project.

  7. It was amazing how everybody fell ... his lies.

  8. If that is not rectified, the roof will fall ..., and eventually the walls and so on.

  9. Sarah has decided to ignore Paula since they fell ... last night, and she's still angry at her.

  10. He quickly fell ... the habit of drinking too much.

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