Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Phrasal Verbs


[2916(10)] Phrasal verbs mit dem Verb "break"

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  1. Jenna broke ... from his grip and rushed out of the house.

  2. Our car broke ... after 20 minutes on the road.

  3. Negotiations broke ... between both companies after their disagreement.

  4. The burglars broke ... through one of the windows, which was open.

  5. George broke ... a piece of bread and passed the rest to me.

  6. War broke ... between both countries in the late 90s.

  7. The bouncers had to break ... the fight before it got more serious.

  8. The protesters at the demonstration tried to break ... a police cordon.

  9. Sue is starting to break ... the religious tradition she was brought up in.

  10. Apparently, the robbers broke ... the bank using guns and threatening everyone.

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