Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Phrasal Verbs


[2916(1)] Phrasal verbs mit dem Verb "put"

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  1. Can you please put your things ...?

  2. They always put their brother ... It's hurtful.

  3. We've put ... our application for the house.

  4. Let's put ... the meeting until we're ready

  5. We had to put ... with all the problems in the house.

  6. She put ... her best suit for the meeting.

  7. Please put the milk ... when you're finished with it.

  8. They put ... a new newsletter every Friday. It's worth reading.

  9. I was trying to put ... my point of view but no one was listening.

  10. I can't put ... the tent. I think it's broken.

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