Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Phrasal Verbs


[2912] Phrasal verbs im Englischen

Hilfe zum Grammatikinhalt:


Setze die folgenden Verben (believe, fill, get, look, put, switch, take, throw, turn, try) und die passenden Präpositionen (away, down, for, in, off, on, out) ein.


You're getting distracted. Please your phone !


You're getting distracted. Please put your phone away!


  1. Don't your tasks, you might regret not completing them earlier.
  2. You can do this, Bill, I you!
  3. I had to the old food and buy something fresh.
  4. Tell her she should the bus at this stop.
  5. Why did you the light? It's too dark now.
  6. If you the window, you'll be able to see me.
  7. You should your shoes before you enter their house.
  8. The participants had to a questionnaire after the test.
  9. I wouldn't that offer if I were you.
  10. Would you like to this new position?

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