Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2762] Aktivsätze in Passiv umformen im Simple Present und Simple Past

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Schreibe den jeweiligen Passivsatz zum vorgegebenen Aktivsatz in die Lücke.


The supervisor reviews the report.


The supervisor reviews the report.The report is reviewed by the supervisor.


  1. Millions of people watch the movie.
  2. The CEO signed the document.
  3. The company manufactures the product.
  4. The IT department addresses the problem.
  5. The project manager assigns the task.
  6. The old man closed the window.
  7. An adventurous explorer discovered the treasure.
  8. A loving family adopted the dog.
  9. The candidate accepted the job offer.
  10. A stray baseball shattered the window.

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