Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2756] Passivsätze in Aktiv umformen im Simple Present

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Schreibe den jeweiligen Aktivsatz zum vorgegebenen Passivsatz in die Lücke.


The book is regularly read by me during my leisure time.


The book is regularly read by me during my leisure time.I regularly read the book during my leisure time.


  1. The house is frequently cleaned by the maid.
  2. The car is frequently driven by my brother for his daily commute.
  3. The cake is freshly baked by my mother whenever there is a special occasion.
  4. The letters are carefully written by the secretary to ensure clear communication.
  5. The picture is skillfully painted by the artist.
  6. The meal is deliciously cooked by the chef using fresh ingredients.
  7. The report is meticulously prepared by the analyst.
  8. The song is beautifully sung by the vocalist, captivating the audience.
  9. The room is tastefully decorated by the interior designer.
  10. The clothes are regularly washed by the laundry service.

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