Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2746(1)] Passivsätze im Past Perfect im Englischen

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Setze die vorgegebenen Sätze ins Passiv.


The team had overcome the challenge.


The team had overcome the challenge.The challenge had been overcome by the team.


  1. A strategist had crafted the plan.
  2. A few had closely guarded the secret.
  3. Someone had quickly seized the opportunity.
  4. Everyone involved had regretted the mistake.
  5. They had relentlessly pursued the goal.
  6. A skilled individual had completed the task on time.
  7. Experts had deeply pondered the question.
  8. The learner had acquired knowledge through dedicated study.
  9. Everyone had celebrated the success.
  10. The speaker had effectively conveyed the message.

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