Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2744(1)] Passivsätze im Past Continuous im Englischen

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Setze die vorgegebenen Sätze ins Passiv.


The baker was frosting the cake.


The baker was frosting the cake.The cake was being frosted by the baker.


  1. The talented vocalist was singing the song.
  2. The detective was investigating the crime.
  3. The barista was brewing the coffee.
  4. The poet was reciting the poem.
  5. The artist was sculpting the sculpture.
  6. The secretary was filing the documents.
  7. The handyman was repairing the window.
  8. The shoeshiner was polishing the shoes.
  9. The screenwriter was writing the screenplay.
  10. The enthusiastic fans were watching the game.

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