Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2724] Aktivsätze ins Passiv umformen

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Setze die vorgegebenen Sätze ins Passiv


1) They grow the plants in the garden 2) He dropped the phone on the floor


1) They grow the plants in the garden The plants are grown in the garden 2) He dropped the phone on the floor The phone was dropped on the floor by him


  1. John gave the books to the students
  2. He stole the car last night
  3. They freeze the berries after collecting
  4. The boss has told him off for being late
  5. The team had lost the game
  6. She is going to complete the task tomorrow
  7. Alex put the books on the shelf
  8. The child didn't finish the meal
  9. My friend cancelled the trip to the US
  10. He left the key in the door

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