Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2722] Passivsätze mit einem oder mehreren Objekten

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Setze die vorgegebenen Sätze ins Passiv. Manchmal gibt es mehrere Möglichkeiten, da im Aktivsatz zwei verschiedene Objekte zu finden sind. Verwende keine Kurzformen.


A skilled photographer captured and printed the vibrant photograph.


A skilled photographer captured and printed the vibrant photograph.The vibrant photograph was captured and printed by a skilled photographer.


  1. Skilled craftsmen and artisans constructed the majestic cathedral.
  2. Art enthusiasts admired the exquisite painting at the gallery.
  3. The talented chef prepared the delicious meal with care and love.
  4. A devoted friend handwritten and sent the heartfelt letter.
  5. A renowned jeweler designed and crafted the intricate jewelry.
  6. An acclaimed filmmaker directed and produced the thrilling movie.
  7. Dedicated gardeners meticulously tended to the beautiful garden.
  8. A skilled artist delicately folded and displayed the intricate origami sculpture.
  9. A patient and determined player meticulously solved the intricate puzzle.
  10. A talented and imaginative author penned the captivating novel.

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