Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2720] Passiv – Einsetzübung – verschiedene Zeiten

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Setze die richtige Passivform in die Lücke. Das einzusetzende Verb und die Zeitform sind in Klammern vorgegeben.


The cake by my sister.(to bake - Simple Past)


The cake was baked by my sister.(to bake - Simple Past)


  1. The book by him last night.(to read - Simple Past)
  2. The letter by Sarah.(to write - Present Perfect)
  3. The car before the accident happened.(to brake - Past Perfect)
  4. The house by the workers.(to paint - Present Continuous)
  5. The movie by everyone when the power went out.(to watch - Past Continuous)
  6. The project by the team before the deadline.(to complete - will-future)
  7. The letter by the secretary.(to type - Simple Present)
  8. The road by the construction crew last month.(to repair - Simple Past)
  9. The work by the workers.(to finish - Present Perfect)
  10. The assignment before the professor arrived.(to submit - Past Perfect)

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