Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2718] Passivsätze im Simple Past

Hilfe zum Grammatikinhalt:


Setze die vorgegebenen Sätze ins Passiv.


A team of experienced scientists conducted the experiment.


A team of experienced scientists conducted the experiment.The experiment was conducted by a team of experienced scientists.


  1. The curious child solved the puzzle.
  2. A skilled tailor sewed the dress.
  3. A talented pianist composed the melody.
  4. The fastest runner won the race.
  5. A professional photographer captured the photo.
  6. An anonymous source revealed the secret.
  7. A renowned orator delivered the speech.
  8. The logistics company shipped the package.
  9. Art critics admired the painting.
  10. Public opinion influenced the decision.

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