Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2518(1)] Partizipien in englische Sätze einsetzen

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Setze das Verb in Klammern als Partizip Präsens (present participle) oder als Partizip Perfekt (past participle) in die Lücken ein.


The (to run) child quickly crossed the finish line.


The running (to run) child quickly crossed the finish line.


  1. She observed her teacher (to talk) to her parents.
  2. The (to break) vase lay shattered on the floor.
  3. The (to excite) dog wagged its tail and jumped up and down.
  4. The tired hiker sat down on a rock, (to catch) his breath.
  5. The (to dance) flames mesmerized the campers around the bonfire.
  6. Alex, (to hold) a bouquet of roses, surprised his partner with a romantic gesture.
  7. The (to paint) walls added a fresh look to the room.
  8. The car (to park) in the driveway needs a new battery.
  9. The keys (to find) on the floor were returned to their owner.
  10. The child (to giggle) uncontrollably entertained everyone in the room.

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