Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Indirekte Rede


[2338] Reported Speech/Indirekte Rede – will-future – Sätze – Übung

Hilfe zum Grammatikinhalt:


Vervollständige die Sätze in der indirekten Rede. Verändere dabei immer die Zeitform, obwohl es bei einigen Sätzen nicht immer nötig wäre.


Niklas: "I will follow you shortly." Niklas said (that) .


Niklas: "I will follow you shortly." Niklas said (that) he would follow me shortly.


  1. Diana: "Mrs. Margaret will see you now." Diana announced (that) .
  2. Fred: "The bus will arrive in a few moments." Fred said (that) .
  3. Jade: "Kim will never learn how to drive." Jade said (that) .
  4. Phillip: "The metro will be under construction next week." Phillip said (that) .
  5. Morgan: "Shane will also come to my party." Morgan said (that) .
  6. Howard: "My mum will pick me up from school." Howard told me (that) .
  7. Jasmine: "Rachel won't show up in time." Jasmine said (that) .
  8. Caspar: "The carpet will be delivered tomorrow." Caspar said (that) .
  9. Lilo: "The lemon juice will make your hair brighter." Lilo advised (that) .
  10. Isabell: "I will wear my mom's dress." Isabell said (that) .

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