Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Indirekte Rede


[2336] Reported Speech/Indirekte Rede – Present Progressive – Sätze – Übung

Hilfe zum Grammatikinhalt:


Vervollständige die Sätze in der indirekten Rede. Verändere dabei immer die Zeitform, obwohl es bei einigen Sätzen nicht immer nötig wäre.


Jenna: "I'm having trouble coming up with jokes." Jenna said (that) .


Jenna: "I'm having trouble coming up with jokes." Jenna said (that) she was having trouble coming up with jokes.


  1. Riley: "My family is having a big event this weekend." Riled told us (that) .
  2. Gail: "Jennifer isn't working at her usual speed." Gail said (that) .
  3. Jeremy: "The rice is cooking." Jeremy said (that) .
  4. Fiona: "I'm singing every free minute." Fiona said (that) .
  5. Kesim: "The neighbors are deep cleaning their place." Kesim said (that) .
  6. Lois: "The priest is discussing the matter with his parish." Lois said (that) .
  7. Annabell: "My parents aren't leaving before sundown." Annabell said (that) .
  8. Otto: "I'm painting the room yellow." Ottos said (that) .
  9. Bianca: "We're practising the bassoon." Bianca said (that) .
  10. Ulli: "You are painting with the wrong colors." Ulli said (that) .

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