Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Indirekte Rede


[2334] Reported Speech/Indirekte Rede – Present Perfect – Sätze – Übung

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Vervollständige die Sätze in der indirekten Rede. Verändere dabei immer die Zeitform, obwohl es bei einigen Sätzen nicht immer nötig wäre.


Sabrina: "You have forgotten your lunchbox." Sabrina told me (that) .


Sabrina: "You have forgotten your lunchbox." Sabrina told me (that) I had forgotten my lunchbox.


  1. Luise: "The US have lifted their travel ban." Luise told us (that) .
  2. Irina: "Zebras have always lived in this zoo." Irina said (that) .
  3. Abigail: "I have never wanted to do something except dancing." Abigail told us (that) .
  4. Cecile: "Jonas has tried to contact the local authorities several times." Celise said (that) .
  5. Petunia: "The shop has closed for this night." Petunia mentioned (that) .
  6. Daniel: "My landlord has left for vacation." Daniel said (that) .
  7. Gregory: "The game hasn't started yet." Gregory said (that) .
  8. Paul: "My family has had a long tradition of following the same path." Paul said (that) .
  9. Helen: "Regina has bought a new car." Helen remarked (that) .
  10. Hunter: "Fun has left the building." Hunter apologized (that) .

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