Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Indirekte Rede


[2318] Indirekte Rede in verschiedenen englischen Zeiten – Übung

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Beende die vorgegebenen Sätze in der indirekte Rede. Achte auf die Einleitungssätze und die Verschiebung bei den Zeiten.


Bud: "I've never been outside of the country." Bud admitted to us (that) he .


Bud: "I've never been outside of the country." Bud admitted to us (that) he had never been outside of the country.


  1. Sahil: "Debora moved to Berlin." Sahil told us (that) Debora .
  2. Finn and Dara: "We are in need of money." Finn and Dara admitted (that) they .
  3. Toby: "The bus will arrive 10 minutes later." Toby remarked (that) the bus .
  4. Christine: "I gave myself a new name." Christine announced (that) she .
  5. Rex: "Bree cried after visiting her grandmother." Rex told us (that) Bree .
  6. Zelda: "Gill doesn't look to well." Zelda remarked (that) Gill .
  7. Ludwig: "I thrive on challenges." Ludwig told us (that) he .
  8. Kelsey: "Melissa won't speak to me anymore." Kelsey complained (that) Melissa .
  9. Henry: "I am always in the mood for tennis." Henry said (that) he .
  10. Gigi: "Ursula is never punctual." Gigi complained (that) Ursula .

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