Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2092] Mixed Conditionals – Future

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Achte auf die Zeitangabe vervollständige den Satz, sodass sich ein korrekter mixed conditional ergibt.


If you were joining us for the beach trip tomorrow, I (to be) very excited.


If you were joining us for the beach trip tomorrow, I would be (to be) very excited.


  1. If Ester (to fly) to Mallorca next spring, she would not have the time to take dance lessons.
  2. I (to stay) for for the whole museum tour, if the train was not leaving in ten minutes.
  3. If your grandma (to come) to visit you, I would have left in time.
  4. If Lisa were not making you muffins for your birthday, I (to bake) some myself yesterday.
  5. If Celia were having her baby in the upcoming week, she (to feel) unprepared.
  6. I (not/to bother) to come to your house last night, if you were keeping it so untidy all the time.
  7. I (to call) the repair guy earlier, if my windows were continuing to have problems.
  8. If you were spending all your time with those other people, I (to be) very lonely.
  9. I would feel nervous, if I (to go) to a restaurant by myself.
  10. If I were hitch-hiking around the US, I (to get) some self-defence lessons first.

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