Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2058] if-Sätze – Typ I bis III – Aussagesätze – Übung

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Setze die in Klammern stehenden Verbformen so in die Lücken ein, dass ein korrekter if-Satz entsteht. Die Verbform, die dir sagt, ob du Typ I, II oder III einsetzen musst, ist hervorgehoben.


If we hang out later, I (to give) you your camera back.


If we hang out later, I will give (to give) you your camera back.


  1. If you (to dance) more frequently, you would feel more comfortable about it.
  2. Timothee would have gotten a cold, if he (to stay) longer outside with no jacket.
  3. If Diana had been born before Princess Diana died, her parents (to name) her differently.
  4. Jacob (to perform) in the play, if you ask him in a nice way about it.
  5. If Tana forgot to send out the birthday invitations, none of her guests (to come) to her party.
  6. If Bulat (to leave) the ice cream parlor ten minutes earlier, he would have run into his old friend walking outside.
  7. Millie would have participated in a show at the theater tonight, if she (to remember) to clear her schedule beforehand.
  8. If Ana (to avoid) direct sunlight during this hot day, she will have no problem getting a sunburn.
  9. If you heat up water in a pot, it (to boil) at 100 degrees celsius.
  10. Micheal (to feel) offended, if his employees ask him to stop with the jokes.

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