Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2056] Erkennen der if-Sätze – Übung 2

Hilfe zum Grammatikinhalt:


Bestimme den Typ des if-Satzes.






  1. You'll get the prize if you answer this question.

  2. If he were our teacher, I would never miss his classes.

  3. We would have made it if you hadn't stopped us there.

  4. The bus won't go if there is a storm.

  5. Matt would be your freind if you weren't so mean to him.

  6. If it hadn't dropped in the water, it would still have been usable.

  7. If we tell them the truth, they will have no mercy.

  8. If it were summer, I would go to the beach right now.

  9. Rose would have married him if the accident hadn't happened.

  10. It will definitely go up if the government doesn't prevent that.

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