Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2046] if-Sätze – Typ III – Verneinungen – Übung

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Setze die in Klammern stehenden Verbformen so in die Lücken ein, dass ein if-Satz – Typ III entsteht. Beachte, dass einige Verben zu verneinen sind.


If you (not/to wear) a safety vest, while working on the construction, you (to be) in grave danger.


If you had not worn (not/to wear) a safety vest, while working on the construction, you would have been (to be) in grave danger.


  1. If Alana (not/to set) 10 alarms for today, she (to miss) her doctor's appointment.
  2. If Leonhard (to prepare) his lunch beforehand, he (not/to buy) that expensive sandwich on the way.
  3. If I (to send) in my application in a correct way, I (not/to be) denied the job offer.
  4. If the president (to tell) the truth from the beginning, he (not/to win) the election.
  5. If Kassi (to go) to bed earlier, she (not/to sleep) in the next day.
  6. If the weather (not/to be) a total catastrophe, I (to love) to go on that hiking trip.
  7. If your sister (to warn) me before, I never (not/to trust) this restaurant.
  8. If my landlord (to fix) the windows already, I (not/to complain) again and again.
  9. If that car (not/to hit) my cat, she (not/to die) so young.
  10. If the manager (not/to hire) a new assistant, she (to be) slightly overwhelmed with the workload.

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