Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2028] if-Sätze – Typ II gemischte Übung

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Schreibe die in Klammern stehenden Verbformen so in die Lücken ein, dass ein if-Satz – Typ II entsteht. Beachte dass der if-Satz nicht immer am Anfang steht.


If Janet #ha(to work) late today, she (to miss) her daughter's recital.


If Janet worked #ha(to work) late today, she would miss (to miss) her daughter's recital.


  1. If Anita (to write) a letter explaining why she left the house, no one (to worry) for her.
  2. The architect (to listen) to the wishes of the landowners, if those wishes (to be) reasonable or easy to fulfil.
  3. If Georgina (to bring) food to the rehearsal, we (to eat) right now instead of starving.
  4. Adam (to mask) his true feelings, if someone (to say) anything bad about his taste in music.
  5. If Darius (to be) ten centimeters smaller, he (to fit) into the child-sized canoe.
  6. If Malika (to enjoy) singing in front of people, she (to have) no problem with karaoke nights.
  7. If Leander (to fall in love) with someone from Ireland, he (to move) there instantly.
  8. The baby girl (to scream), if the parents (to leave) her alone for more than a minute.
  9. If you (to experience) what I was going through, you (to be) more understanding.
  10. If Stephanie (to meet) Josy at another point in her life, things (to look) much differently.

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