Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2026] if-Sätze – Typ II – Verneinungen – Übung

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Schreibe die in Klammern stehenden Verbformen so in die Lücken ein, dass ein if-Satz – Typ II entsteht. Beachte, dass einige Verben zu verneinen sind.


If I (to be) in the city that day, I (not/to miss) your concert.


If I were (to be) in the city that day, I would not miss (not/to miss) your concert.


  1. If Lauren (not/to have) a sister, she (to be) missing her best friend.
  2. If Tim (not/to play) the guitar, he (not/to have) the chance to be a member of a band.
  3. If it (to rain), our plan to go hiking (not/to work) out.
  4. If your cousin (to come) late home from work, he (not/to catch) the 8 pm news.
  5. If Britta (to steal) your lunch money, she (not/to get) away with this.
  6. If Lorenzo accidentally (to knock) over one of Sabrina's vases, she (not/to hire) him as an assistant.
  7. If I (not/to visit) you today, you (not/to bake) all these cookies for me.
  8. If the weather (not/to be) so terrible, we (to organize) a barbecue.
  9. If no one (to commit) any crimes, the world (not/to need) police.
  10. If we (not/to be) meant to be together, we (not/to meet) like that over and over again.

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