Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2016] if-Sätze – Typ I – gemischte Übung mit Verneinungen

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Schreibe die in Klammern stehenden Verbformen so in die Lücken ein, dass ein if-Satz – Typ I entsteht. Benutze in den Hauptsätzen nur das will-future. Beachte, dass der if-Satz nicht immer am Anfang steht.


If Larry (not/to listen) to reason, we (to have) to force him.


If Larry does not listen (not/to listen) to reason, we will have (to have) to force him.


  1. I (to pass) you in no time, if you (to keep) running slow like that.
  2. If my face (to get) to dry from the walking in the sun all day, I (to apply) moisturizer in the evening.
  3. Jules (to get) frustated with her school project very soon, is she (not/to make) any progress.
  4. If Amelie (to hear) noises from her neighbors one more time, she (to complain) to them.
  5. If the paint (to dry up), I (to have) to use new one.
  6. Megan (not/to buy) the cake mix, if she (not/to know) what is inside.
  7. If nobody (to show up) to Laurel's pool party, she will never (to throw) one again.
  8. Matthew (not/to tolerate) it, if his best friend (to lie) to him again.
  9. Addison (to become) the new branch manager, if nothing major (to happen) to prevent that.
  10. If the socks (to shrink) after washing them in hot water, they (to have) a smaller fit.

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