Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben




[2014] if-Sätze – Typ I – gemischte Übung

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Schreibe die in Klammern stehenden Verbformen so in die Lücken ein, dass ein if-Satz – Typ I entsteht. Benutze in den Hauptsätzen nur das will-future. Beachte, dass der if-Satz nicht immer am Anfang steht.


If Sally (to drive) her car all day, she (to have) to fill up on gas pretty soon.


If Sally drives (to drive) her car all day, she will have (to have) to fill up on gas pretty soon.


  1. If Pierre (to leave) his dog home alone, he (to bark) an increasing amount.
  2. The flowers (to grow) and become beautiful,if you (to water) them every day.
  3. If Simon (to carry) his expensive camera with him wherever he goes, he (to end up) losing it sooner or later.
  4. Ophelia (to do) the laundry,if she (to notice) that there are no more clean clothes left.
  5. If Louis and his classmates (to want) to catch that movie, they (to have) to give up wasting time with games.
  6. If you (to pay close attention) and wait a while, the caterpillar in our garden (to turn into) a beautiful butterfly.
  7. Jason (to continue) to try his best at school, if his parents (to stop) pressuring him about it.
  8. If the soccer game (to start) at around eight, we (to have) to go grocery shopping.
  9. I (to begin) reading the gardening magazines, if I (to be) at my grandparents place with no books of my own.
  10. If the gym class (to be) over before lunch, I (to eat) to eat a pizza.

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