Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Hilfsverben und Modalverben


[1792] can, could und die Ersatzform to be able to – Übung

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Schreibe die in Klammern stehenden Verbindungen des Modalverbs can in der richtigen Form in die Lücken ein. Nutze auch die Ersatzform to be able to.


It was so quiet you a needle drop. (can/to hear)


It was so quiet you could hear a needle drop. (can/to hear)


  1. We to the park later on, what do you think about that? (can/to go)
  2. Perhaps Ellie us later for dinner. (can/to join)
  3. We the play today or tomorrow, what do you prefer? (can/to see)
  4. Maria to her boss about her work accomplishments. Now she’s getting a promotion. (can/to talk)
  5. When I was little, I . (can/to whistle)
  6. They were so happy, they it. (not/can/to believe)
  7. Sometimes all I about is how lucky I am to have you. (can/to think)
  8. Ahmed his English skills, he’s getting really good now. (can/to improve)
  9. If you try hard enough, you anything you set your mind to. (can/to achieve)
  10. They said Kim the violin quite beautifully after practicing for months. (can/to play)
  11. You the ocean miles away. (can/to see)

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