Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Gerund und Infinitiv


[1620(1)] Gerund oder Infinitiv

Hilfe zum Grammatikinhalt:


Setze das Wort in Klammern entweder im Gerund oder im to-Infinitiv ein.


He dreams about a pilot.(become)


He dreams about becoming a pilot.(become)


  1. Mandy threatened everyone what actually happened.(tell)
  2. They promised her a new phone for her birthday.(buy)
  3. Jimmy can't imagine in another country.(live)
  4. He is learning with it on his own.(cope)
  5. I have finished the poem last week.(write)
  6. Determined to help Jake, Liam offered with him in the evenings.(practice)
  7. You should consider your job if you don't like the conditions.(quit)
  8. It was hard for Anne to give up but she did it.(smoke)
  9. They refused without seeing Tom.(leave)
  10. I couldn't afford for that dress.(pay)

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