Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Gerund und Infinitiv


[1618(2)] Gerund nach Präpositionen – Übung 1

Hilfe zum Grammatikinhalt:


Setze die richtigen Präpositionen in die Lücken.


He is bad lying.


He is bad at lying.


  1. She is afraid losing her friends.
  2. Amelia is crazy playing volleyball, and she's very good at it.
  3. Jane was fed up being yelled at for any minor mistake.
  4. Are you fond studying at this university?
  5. I'm really sorry making you feel guilty for what happened.
  6. In the end we felt it wasn't a very good idea after all.
  7. He insisted going to the beach today because the weather was nice.
  8. I used to have difficulty pronouncing some words in German.
  9. There was a choice going to Italy or France for the summer holidays.
  10. Rory is excited visiting his grandparents in Australia for the first time in 5 years.

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