Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Gerund und Infinitiv


[1618(1)] Gerund nach Präpositionen

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I'm sorry what I said.


I'm sorry for what I said.


  1. Anne always complains never getting enough sleep.
  2. He was interested joining their band but didn't know how to manage his time so that his hobby wouldn't interfere with his studies.
  3. Jerry phoned me and apologised being rude to me the other day.
  4. He couldn't concentrate reading because of a strong headache.
  5. Kate tried to prevent them seeing each other but failed.
  6. He never thought that he'd succeed drawing, but his friends always believed in him.
  7. I didn't know how to cope all the pressure I'd been put under at work.
  8. He was sick doing this job for 20 years, so he decided to quit.
  9. She is good singing but always denies it.
  10. After a long discussion, they decided telling Daniel the truth, because they didn't want to hurt him.

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