Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Fragen, Frageanhängsel, Fragewörter und Kurzantworten


[1398(1)] Fragen im Past Perfect – Übung

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Setze die in Klammern stehenden Wörter in die Lücken ein. Beachte, dass die Verben im Past Perfect stehen.


the document before you turned off the laptop?(you/to save)


Had you saved the document before you turned off the laptop?(you/to save)


  1. abroad before that trip?(she/to be)
  2. them before the meeting started?(she/to inform)
  3. their homework before they went to the cinema?(they/to go)
  4. a personal trainer before you started working with him?(he/to have)
  5. What before she got sick?(she/to eat)
  6. as a manager before she got the job in this company?(Jenna/to work)
  7. soccer before yesterday's game?(Martin/to play)
  8. Why the party before we arrived?(Tyler/to leave)
  9. about the salary before you accepted their offer?(you/to ask)
  10. Why the tickets before Clara came home?(they/to buy)

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