Englisch gemischte Grammatikaufgaben


Fragen, Frageanhängsel, Fragewörter und Kurzantworten


[1374] Fragen im Simple Past – Übung 2

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Schreibe die richtige Verbform in die Lücke. Benutze das Simple Past.




  1. with the cards? (the boy/to play)
  2. your greens? (you/to eat)
  3. in the opera? (Ingrid/to sing)
  4. the sauna at the sports club? (the boys/to enjoy)
  5. during German lessons? (Mariama/to snooze)
  6. on their knitting skills? (Scott and Seamus/to rely)
  7. her in-laws at the end of Ramadan? (your sister/to call)
  8. Felix for the fight? (Felix/to expel)
  9. the living room window? (the kids of your neighbor/to break)
  10. the birthday cake in the morning? (your father/to bake)

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